воскресенье, 25 марта 2018 г.

26,03,2018 ()

We are going to get new windows.
We are getting new windows.
  • am going to get a new job. (= I intend to get a job.)
  • am getting a new job. (= It is already decided / arranged.  Here the focus is on the arrangement.)
  • What are you doing this evening? (A question about arrangements)
  • Are you going to do anything about that letter you received from the civic authorities? (A question about the intentions of the listener)
  • am seeing Peter tomorrow. (Here the emphasis is on the arrangement that already exists.)
  • I am going to ask him to stop borrowing my car. (Here the emphasis is on the intentions of the speaker.)

понедельник, 5 марта 2018 г.



Exercise A:   Complete the dialogues by choosing the correct option. Use the RED ARROW as your starting point.
John:   Pardon me, I'm lost, could you tell me how to get to the Clothes Shop?
Policeman:   Yes, of course. (Go straight ahead / go down and turn left/ go along into) Garden Road. Then take the (first / second) turning on the left and (go up / go down) River Road. Go straight ahead and then (turn left / right) into High Street. The Toy Shop is on your (left/ right) hand side between the Clothes Shop and the Pet Shop.
John:   Thanks a lot.

Tim:   Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Hospital?
Ann:   Certainly! (Go straight ahead/ Turn right and turn left / go up into) Garden Road. Then turn (left/ right) into River Road and go straight ahead. Then take the (first/ second turning) on the left into Little Street. The hospital is there on the (left/ right) hand side.
Tim:   Thanks.

Peter:   Could you tell me how to get to the Shopping Centre?
Policeman:   Sure. (Go straight ahead / go down and turn left/ go along into) Garden Road. Then take the (first / second) turning on the left and (go up / go down) River Road. Go straight ahead and then turn (left / right) into High Street. The shopping centre is on your (left/ right) hand side.
Peter:   Thanks a lot.


When does the man intend to arrive?
 September 1
 September 2
 September 3

Why does the man need to change his plan?
 Because the flight was cancelled
 Because he changed his schedule
 Because there was no vacancy

How long will his trip last?

What is his phone number?
 605 589 2710
 604 598 2710
 604 589 2710

How much does the man have to pay as a deposit?
 $ 200
 $ 300
 $ 100

How does the man pay?
 By check
 By bank transfer
 By credit card