понедельник, 10 декабря 2018 г.


Fill in Gerund or Infinitive (with or without to)
Slow Food
The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonald’s had opened a restaurant in Piazza di Spagna, the beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was tragic that many people today live too quickly  (SIT) down for a proper meal and only eat mass-produced fast food. He decided  (TRY) to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food Movement. Although he didn’t succeed in  (BAN) McDonald’s from Piazza di Spagna, slow food has become a global organization and now has more than 80,000 members in over a hundred countries.

“We believe in people  (TAKE) time to enjoy the food that they eat”, says Fiona Richmond of Slow Food UK.

Slow food also encourages people  (EAT) local and regional food,  (USE) shops and markets and  (DINE) out in small family restaurants. Says Richmond, “There is nothing more satisfying than  (RELAX) around a table with friends. The pleasure of  (EAT) quality food should be celebrated.