среда, 14 августа 2019 г.


1. (To) Hit the books

2. (To) Hit the sack

1. Visitors are asked to abstain ___________ smoking on the premises.
(a) from    (b) on
2. She is unavailable at the moment as she is attending _________ an urgent issue.
(a) on    (b) to
3. I believe _________  him – he is such a talented and hard-working artist.
(a) with    (b) in
4. She took some time off work to care ________ her sick son.
(a) for    (b) of
5. I totally agree _______ your opinion – everything you say about this is true!
(a) with    (b) for
6. The schoolboy was blamed _______ the broken window.
(a) about    (b) for
7. He annoys me because he is always boasting __________ his achievements!
(a) about    (b) with
8. The management team is meeting this afternoon to decide ___________ the best solution.
(a) on    (b) for

понедельник, 5 августа 2019 г.

06,08,2019 (1120)

A(AN) can be used like the word "per".
  • Apples currently cost $1.30 a pound.
  • Cheetahs can run 60 miles an hour.
  • You want $150 a person for the tour?
Do not use articles when generalizing about uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
  • Curiosity is a great trait. Uncountable
  • Water is an important resource. Uncountable
  • Vegetables are good for you. Plural countable

USE 16

English speakers often use THE plus a singular noun when they talk about or make generalizations about certain topics, including:
  • musical instruments (the piano, the guitar, the flute)
  • plants (the coconut palm, the saguaro, the baobab)
  • animals (the leopard, the elephant, the lowland gorilla)
  • inventions (the steam engine, the plane, the light bulb)
  • currencies (the dollar, the euro, the yen)
  • body parts (the head, the eye, the ear)
  • I play the piano.
  • The sequoia tree is native to California.
  • The dolphin is a very intelligent animal.
  • The Wright brothers invented the airplane.
  • Right now, the euro is stronger than the dollar.