понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


Look at the topic below for 15 seconds. You may make notes if you wish

Some people think they can achieve more when they are with other people. Others think they are more productive when they are alone. What is your opinion? Explain why.

     Preparation Time: 15 seconds
     Response Time: 45 seconds

(To) Find your feet

Is it possible to lose your feet? No way, they’re attached to your body! So what does it mean when somebody says they’re trying to find their feet? If you find yourself in a new situation, for example living in a new country and having to get used to a new college, you could say I’m still finding my feet. It means that you’re still adjusting and getting used to the new environment.
“Lee, how’s your son doing in America?”
“He’s doing okay. He’s learned where the college is but is still finding his feet with everything else. I guess it’ll take time for him to get used to it all.”