вторник, 21 августа 2018 г.



Exercise. Do we use for or since with the following time references?
  • I haven't phoned home  Christmas.
  • We've been here  nine o'clock.
  • I have worked for International House  more than eight years.
  • I haven't visited my home town  I left school.
  • I haven't been to the cinema  ages.
  • I have studied non-stop  9.15.
  • I have had a driving licence  I was eighteen.
  • She hasn't had a day off  1999.
  • Johan has been in England  more than two weeks now.
  • Peter has been my best friend  we were nine.
inlastagofrom / to

e.g.I haven't seen her for ages.
1We have lived here  1992.
2Have you heard the news? There's  been an earthquake in Japan.
3The window cleaner started an hour . He hasn't finished .
4Sheila was born  1965.
5They have worked there  three years now.
6Tony and Jane lived in Hong Kong  1995  2000. They lived there for five years.
7They left Hong Kong  2000.
8They  went back for a holiday  2003.
9I've always wanted to be a famous actor,  I was a child.
10When did you  have a holiday?

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