четверг, 20 сентября 2018 г.



Attend - visit
wig - fake hair
get rid of - stop using

1. Peter said we would get married  next year, but I no longer believe him! 

2. I  wonder why you never feel happy! you've got everything you need! 

3. She lived in Spain for  and now speaks perfect Spanish. 

4. The last time I met her was  in May. 

5. He will do it, don't worry, but it'll take him 

6. You will have to tell me the truth  or another! So why not now? 

7.  I don't feel like talking to anyone. 

8. 'How long does it take you to go to work?' '!' 

9. Good! so I'll call you  during the week and we'll arrange a meeting. 

10. Would anyone here dare to say 'It took me  to do this exercise'? 

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